Case studies

Strategic advisory in green recovery and sustainable growth

Advisory to a leading European University in defining business models and policy instruments towards a biodiversity-positive financial sector, in view of restoring wetland sites across Europe and lay the foundations for scalable protection. Engagement of public and private finance institutions to design a viable contractual configuration for all stakeholders.


Design of financial instruments targeting energy efficiency investments

Designed the activities and expected outcomes of a program meant to attract investors in the energy saving sector. Ultimate goal: to improve access to funding for small and medium businesses investing in low-carbon assets and practices (renewable energy generating equipment, services increasing energy efficiency of the buildings, infrastructure, wastes utilization).

Central Asia

Training in Development Finance

Developed and delivered training on Blended Finance techniques and strategy for a leading multilateral agency. Training was intended as a “Training of Trainers”, equipping key staff with a deep understanding of blended finance, to be further shared within their regional and national teams.


Set up and review of key business priorities of a biotech company

Set up and review of key business priorities of a biotech company, by translating them into a comprehensive plan including innovation of products and corporate development. The transition from a small sized company to a medium sized entity (group establishment) was carried out, as well as the implementation of strategic negotiations with investors/commercial partners.


Assessment of investment projects in the Water Utilities sector

Advisory to a local governmental unit meant to assess investment projects in the Water Utilities sector (EU Twinning Project Support to Environmental Management).
Such a technical training assignment was aimed at strengthening the technical skills of this office entrusted with evaluating investments in the water sector and more generally in infrastructure financing, in compliance with rules and principles applied by international financial institutions.

Eastern Europe

MBO’s financial planning, building materials sector

MBO’s financial planning, building materials sector. Sensitivity analysis and company valuation under different scenarios. This task entailed the analysis of historical economic and financial perfomances as well as theidentification of the development path the company was meant to follow over the planning horizon, under different scenarios.


Due diligence of an agro-industrial public company slated for privatization

Due diligence of an agro-industrial public company slated for privatization, assessment of different sale strategies. Such an assignment was carried out in the framework of a project meant to foster sustainable development of the dairy industry in the country. Furthermore the task allowed defining hypothesis of business development, to define a range of value for the company as well as its potential privatization.

Southeastern Europe

Privatization strategy of a local winery and company valuation

On behalf of a multilateral development institution, identification of the privatization strategy of a local winery (medium sized) and company valuation. Covered main aspects and issues having an impact on the future development and privatization of the company. Appraisal of the business consistency and viability of the company. Starting from the assessment, the best structure and course of actions for successful development and privatization were derived (among which identification of a group of target investors).

Southeastern Europe

Assessment of the exit strategy of a SMEs financing scheme

Technical assistance to analyze the options for the exit strategy of a SMEs financing/guarantee scheme, a joint project funded by EC and some European development finance institutions.
The objective of the assignment was to develop an effective and sustainable funding structure meant to encourage lending of private banks to Small Enterprises in the country. More specifically to analyse the benefits and disadvantages of each exit option, to clarify the alternatives and develop a proposals compliant with local legislation and donors’ policies as well.

Western Asia

Ex-ante evaluation of a guarantee and credit enhancement facility

Ex ante assessment of a guarantee and credit enhancement facility (a program aimed to support investments in Africa, MENA and south Caucasian countries to contribute to the achievement of development goals in these regions). In particular, the assessment was aimed at identifying risks, present market failures, potential impact of the new scheme and its own additionality and sustainability as well as the most efficient mode for delivering the financial instrument.

Company evaluation and negotiation strategy - Agricultural machinery

Company valuation and negotiation strategy (takeover, advisory to the majority stakeholder of a machinery producer for the agriculture sector).
The assignment concerned the assessment of historical perfomances of the company, economic and financial projections based on planned investments and present and perspective KPIs under different scenarios, with the final goal of depicting a valuation range to be used in negotiating with potential buyers.


Business model and investment planning for an it newco in the food sector

Business model structuring and investment planning for an IT newco providing services to the agro-industrial/food sector (in broad sense).
Such assignment entailed building up a comprehensive business plan to be presented to investors, banks, donors, commercial partners and services suppliers.
This project (at start-up stage) managed to obtain financial coverage by partners, a leading commercial bank and a guarantee fund.


Feasibility study for the establishment of guarantee funds meant to support SMEs’ investments

Feasibility studies (as well as implementation) for the establishment of guarantee funds meant to support SMEs’ investments This task generally involved a number of common specific activities to be carried out. E.g. economic and financial background, needs to be addressed, best practices, shareholders’ structure, institutional environment, market place assessment, legal framework, product’s features (subjective and objective features of the guarantee), model structuring, sustainability etc.

EU, MENA, Western Asia, Eastern European Countries, South America