At every stage of life any company makes choices that impact on success and its preservation overtime, while continuously making efforts to progress towards the corporate goals.Sometimes we assume critical decisions, mostly when they concern financial matters, on the spur of the moment. Instinctively or based on lessons learned from - seemingly - similar experiences in the past. Instead, there is a need to make fully “informed” decisions. Lack of method, time, knowledge and “intellectual” independency – a fresh pair of eyes, a different angle - time and again may cause destructive outcomes. This affects the company value, especially when it concerns small and poorly organized entities, but also the decision maker’s quality of life.
Valueimpact- even through partnership with professional firms dating back to the 90s – evaluates the impact of corporate choices. It also reviews investment policies put in place by Institutions, by carrying out advisory tasks. Clients are private enterprises, consulting companies, multilateral and governmental institutions, development banks, in Europe and in diverse developing markets and regions.